"Striving for justice is one of life's greatest gratifications. In fact, outside of the family, it is the greatest gratification. Without justice, there's no such thing as liberty and freedom, there's no such thing as fulfilling life's possibilities." ~ Ralph Nadar



"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." ~ Thomas Jefferson


"Our commitment to you is to help balance the scales of justice and to empower you with knowledge about your legal rights. The old adage is true: If you don't know your rights, you simply don't have any." LegalShield


"I want you to know how to secure your legal rights without the crippling expense and risky uncertainty of hiring a lawyer who may or may not fight for you!" ~ Dr. Frederick David Graves, JD


Call to Action

Let's Build a Better Future Together!

Are you ready to step away from building things or working for companies and people that undermine your values to build something better? Together, we can protect what matters most - our families, our communities, and the principles we hold dear. Join me in creating a life that uplifts, inspires, and strengthens those "around us." Let's make the hard work of rebuilding our world feel as natural as going to the gym for a good workout 4 times a week.


If the information I post on my sites does not offend you, then I'd love to connect with you. Reach out to me today and let's start a conversation; let's see if we can work together to make an impact that lasts for generations.


It's not buying and selling I'm interested in, for that can be done through auto-payment systems and back end offices; it's the process of working together that I'm after. You pursuing your dream and me pursuing mine.  If you need an accountability partner, someone to bounce ideas off of, extra income, residual income even, something you can pass on to your kids, let's connect.  Until an intrinsic motivation can be ignited across our land among our people, we should implement an artificial ones until the fire rages within.  

